[ computer nerds rule ] on 11.25.02 @ 10:48 pm

colin: who lit the fuse on your tampon?
gotta love that kid.

one thing i was thinking about today, remember in revenge of the nerds everyone picks on the 'computer nerds'. But in the end the geeks get the chicks hollywood endings are false, but that movie has a bit of truth to it, almost a prophecy.

Computer nerds are now reveared by many people, they call us for help. We support your pc, mac, isp, software and games. We provide electricity and communication services to all people of the world. Without us, you would have no online community, phone service, aim, or wheel for that matter.

WE are the the more intelligent populous of the masses. Most of you stand in amazement of the simple format of MP3 and think Kazaa is the greatest invention on earth. Before those P2P and gnutella servers were around for idiots, we used IRC. -=aCid_bOyz=- the good ol' days

I still prefer IRC to gnutella crap. Those are for people that are barely grasping technology. I am just growing tired of idiots. My friends are allowed to make mistkaes, but when I ahve to come back repeatedly to show you the same thing, you're smoking way too much.

i'm done bitching for now.

- jon -

everything created by: jerkface