[ steps to improve or create a good relationship ] on 12.10.02 @ 2:54 pm

In grade school, we learned that if you tell Susie you like her shoes, she will probably respond favorably, and better yet, if you allow Susie the time and attention to talk about herself and her life, she will like you even more.

Back then the payoff was that Susie would let you eat some of her paste or give you a haircut with those wicked snubnosed scissors they handed out each fall. Whereas now, the payoff is a deepening relationship, a good time or another date. But the principles remain the same.

1. Listen Perhaps the greatest compliment we can give another is to show genuine interest in their life. And one of the greatest ways to communicate love is to listen intently. If we ask the simple questions, she will respond with respect. Ask her about her new job, her love of yoga, her collection of KISS albums � whatever. Getting to know someone is the best possible compliment.

2. Support Sense when she feels that the world is against her and begin working to build her up. Tell her you appreciate her efforts at work and at home or her commitment to keeping herself looking good.

3. Admire Tell her what you enjoy and admire (her sense of humor, her taste in films, her personality) about her.

4. Pay attention Work very, very hard to dispel the stereotype that men are inattentive and don�t notice anything. Pay attention, notice and compliment the new pair of shoes, haircut or outfit. These things matter not because they are outward purchases, but because they are expressions of her creativity and personality.

5. Learn Let her teach you something. Tell her that there are elements of her personality and character that you would like to implement in your own life. Ask her to teach you how to cook a favorite dish or read her favorite novel together. Let her know that knowing her makes you a more complete person.

6. Grow Finally, give her the ultimate compliment by working to be the kind of person she would want to be with. Staying in shape, engaging her on emotional and intellectual levels and showing her kindness by helping out are all tangible ways to let her know that she matters to you.

everything created by: jerkface