[ my last entry ] on 12.22.02 @ 4:58 am

the clock is slowly turning it's hands east
too bad the sun won't rise from the west
as i tune out this place in my mind
isee the places ill be walking alone
somewhere beyond my knowledge
into the unknown

i will miss writing in here everyday with my life's events and sharing my creative outlets with you. no more art. no more poetry. no more songs.

no more.

i am waiting for those clock hands to show 8, so i will be able to take my queue and take a bus far away. i can't stop listening to cheshire cat, its therapy at the moment. john is asleep in my bed, my laundry is taking it's final cycles in the dryer, most of my bags are packed, i have stocked up on cigarettes, batteries, guitar picks, blank cds, software, mp3s, and over 225 cds to entertain me and allow my thoughts to escape through each tonal combination. i need to find what i have been looking for and not settle for second to last or second best. i will not allow a tradeoff, another time i sacrifice my life for other people that don't mean that much to me anyway.

jsut for the record i have a review still to write on the show last thursday plus lindsey still has the pictures. i will call her around 7:30 waking her up and begging for my pictures. i feel like crashing out right now, but a few pills and water can fix that. 2 shakes of a donkey's leg.

i want to hear thruster, modest mouse, built to spill, alkaline trio, hot water music and a few other good indie bands....

this is goodbye to all.
i will be starting a new journal sometime soon and you will jsut have to find it on your own. i will miss this layout and all the goodness it created, i was very pleased with the response from everyone on this diary.

it was fun while it lasted, take care.

- jon -

"sometimes im sitting at home
thinking about her,
wondering if she's sitting at home
thinking about me
or am i just wasting my time?"

everything created by: jerkface