[ ode to our remedies ] on 06.07.03 @ 3:16 am

thoughts of you strike my mind like a half glass of wine i fall back on my ass. dreams of you hold my heart suspended by liquid cure, we drunk as fuck of that im sure. we timed and rhymed off like sweet limes following the shot that ripped us apart. little needle slipping in at the last second, numb my mind from comatosis sleep. we fell in love like twiterpating birds, escaping shameful spring to pull over my armor plating. drink it up n' follow it down with pills to relax you away. exact revenge on myself for sleeping alone. not to say i don't miss the thought of heaving over you cuz you know i'd rather sit and keeping drinking of what we never had. when the sun rises you know i'll be better off burning it away while i still can. we're going away but never seems too far from our starting point of snorting lines on glass as shallow as could be, it could be you but maybe it's me. this sincerity is painted with equivocated truth.

everything created by: jerkface