[ lessons learned ] on 06.14.03 @ 3:55 am

In my life, there have been many lessons learned. Despite my habit of repeating the mistakes to re-educate myself on the proper action to take or speak sentences to the best of my composational skills.

Did I remember to...
push my boundaries
compliment a friend
push every limit to it's fullest extent
love your neighbor as well as my own
commit irreversible sin
welcome home betraying friends with an open heart
drink the sun good night with good friends
play guitar around a slow dulling campfire
make someone smile each day

The lessons we learn as children carry on beyond tomorrow's dawning edge, beyond the expanses of what we know to exist, our minds decide where we go, but our hearts lead the way.

If you really think about it, all we ever need to know is within the bounds of our hearts and minds. Any other influence should be voided for it's lack of depth.

everything created by: jerkface