[ Another Fond Farewell ] on 10.12.05 @ 2:27 pm

I've got a fist full of downers to wipe out this whole "being conscious" disease. Head back to that innebriated state where everything is nothing and nothing is everything. Yes, existentialism just might be the hot ticket again like high school and college. Nothingness means anything everything. Dust to rubble and nothing ever more but food for parasites.

Never took the time to deal with Vince's death and now it's almost coming back up to haunt me like the morning after a week of binge drinking. The bile buildup when coming down is something like vomitting 10 times but it doesn't release or go away. Rots in the pit of your stomach.

At least I can maintain professional relationships with my Business front by the name of Jonathan.

Jon and Jonathan are two separated persons:

Maybe I should not rant in the afternoon but when one is faced with something they do not understand, to what end must we proceed?

everything created by: jerkface