[ Just hand me down, give me a place to be. ] on 11.02.05 @ 12:42 am

God I want to piss in the soup of of most of the people who make the user banners. It's much like the work that sophmoric graphic designer I once sorta knew. At least my work didn't molest you like. [ INSERT CURRENT ACTOR CHARGED WITH CHILD MOLESTATION ]. I saw the news reports on that sick fuck [ INSERT CURRENT ACTOR CHARGED WITH CHILD MOLESTATION CURRENTLY ODB'S BITCH ], [ HE/SHE ] is gonna end up being Dorothy Hammill's bitch.

I had a moderately interesting weekend with Sarah in Costa Mesa. Worked 80 hours from Sun-Friday, so a standard break from life was in order. We laid around her apartment in true lazy fashion. Played chef for her all weekend except when we went to Baja Fresh. Their tacos are by farthe best I have ever had and I've even had what I guessed after one bite to be "Taco Perro" off the carts in Tijuana from leather faced men. They were really strange, like Hannibal Lecter lowbrow.

Mmmmm. Lowbrow, my home away from home. Many are eliteist fuckwads, but hey, what's the world like without a few assholes? Rest assured, I will be doing my share. Will you be doing yours?

A world without assholes is to a bar without the booze, it sucks ass.

everything created by: jerkface