[ That's Incentive! ] on 01.18.06 @ 1:50 am

Not much to say except that I've successfully avoided working for almost 7 hours even though I am sitting in this little office. I don't really fit into this scene. These people are the culprits behind the stereotypical "OC". My car is the oldest in the parking lots, my appearance isn't "professional" at least my hygiene has improved. I have mastered office masturbation and being a guy you'll have to take my word when I say that it's a fucking art form. It takes coordination & great hearing.

Sobriety is still not-so-happening which is why I work in the office until far after 2am to prevent me from purchasing any more booze than the few beers in my fridge.

Owed to others:

Holding fast until the rent checks wear thin
because it hasn't sunk in... so far

Well it's a drab routine, the dust storms building
and then it's hard to come clean

Then the months stack up to an addictive crutch
As if the drink weren't enough
A stagger cannot compete
There's no charm in being residential state street

I wish you could know better than you show
with parted lips pointed down
That the whiskey seems more than you could ever do.

everything created by: jerkface