[ a missed entrance ] on 01.25.07 @ 1:48 pm

ive been fucked up so many times
you'd think by now i might know why
still i sit and stare hoping that she'd walk back in
i'd say, "you were missed and all is forgiven."
sorry to say love, but that's not the case these days
wokeup to broken bottles in the ashtray of my room
clouded by disease and clouted by design

up the path and down back alleys
stumbling through city hall
shouting, "i swear to god this isn't my fault!"
stumbling down endless interstates
begging god, "can i ever see my own face?"
back on the dirt and down that dusty trail
jeff hung lost hopes around his neck from a tree
and we were told to never spoke of it again

// ill finish later, can barely sit up right and ive been drunk for 13 days running. who needs coke when you have enough booze to fill an abortion clinic?

everything created by: jerkface