[ my gr�mhildr ] on 04.21.07 @ 4:32 pm

Over the last week I have been driving myself insane missing Alex. Listening to the songs that remind me of her or some of the tracks she emailed me a few days ago. We've been talking for at least an hour each day since she left to head back home but still I miss my Gr�mhildr (helm).

As for now I am doing everything in my power to save up some extra cash and fly to Michigan to spend some time with Alex and kick Michael Moore in the face.

Spent yesterday as many others did, on my ass in front of a screen (tv & pc) or behind a guitar. I did see claire to give her some cash and pickup a curling iron that belonged to Marena. It was nice to see her new "hair-do" makes her look like a man. That has made me grin like a drunk at his favorite brewery ever since she picked Jochen and me up when we were in the middle of the desert town (Beaumont, Ca) on Christmas eve/day. Now there is a night I was so glad to be anesthetized.

At least now she has no reason to call or message me. I would imagine spending time with Alex being accident prone at Turc's or Martini Blues would be a pleasant night.

I'm a sap for women of European origin that can speak their native language, walks into walls, laughs uncontrollably and has impeccable taste in music & art.

everything created by: jerkface