[ to and fro we all must go ] on 05.30.07 @ 4:27 am

ive seen the speed freaks spange along the fast food sidewalk
up on broadway high on the hog but some are just stuck in the fog
the vapor's breath gives you life as it takes another's

you've seen what this does to everyone around your home
still you drag back another thin white line against your thin white lie
oh no honey honestly this isn't mine is your national anthem

he sank into his drink like a soldier fleeing a mine field
dropped his helmet and his gun and was taken down like a setting sun
now he's another white cross on the knolls of Arlington

she watched a river of blood twisting down her arm
dragged off some bottled thrills and a fistful of white and green pills
now she stares out the window from a hospital bed

// rough draft

im done writing and reading for the night. after negotiations today i know i am shifting towards getting my real life to begin again. Started talks with Scott about the acquisition of Geek Chic and so far it seems like it can really be done. Rachel, Amy and Harmony are safe but I think the others are getting axed. I can only secure so much and those women are worth protecting. It's time for bed; tomorrow is filled with doctor's appointments, meetings, 2 site launches and much more. I can't wait to be in Chicago come end of June, nothing to do but have fun with Alex.

everything created by: jerkface