[ look at oisters rockafella over der! ] on 07.23.07 @ 12:30 am

looking round� the girls all peeled back with their prison boys
wearin' grins like they just won some war
i'm left stumbling for a sideways scrawl
just as your teeth crashed out on the sidewalk path
tried to save you from that empty scene
but we both knew your path would turn right back round'

as the streetlights explode, all eyes on the prize
careening like an army man avoiding land mines
only hoping to make it out alive

Since I stopped drinking myself to death every night, I have been on an Elliott Smith kick. Been' tired from full time employment and contract work with barely got enough time to make dinner let alone do anything else. The apartment complexes keep calling/emailing with offers and last minute deals. Commission paid pricks annoying me.

Yet another example why I will never do anything in sales ever again. Client meeting are sales but I'm salaried so who gives a shit anyway. We're doing well and I'm learning the ropes of commercial real estate meetings. The Rockefeller project site came out well and we've got a few more in the works.

Lucien made it to the finals in VH1's World Series of Pop Culture or as they said, "Lucien Eldred carried his team to the finals.." He had fun with it and never took it too seriously, plus he has every episode on DVD.

This is where I retire to get sleep for the move, late nights, coffee induced angina pectoris and soccer tourney next Sunday. Mmm. I want oysters and mussels.

everything created by: jerkface