[ wagner takes the square ] on 04.03.08 @ 4:41 am

This is an open screen with places for letters and words, I�m scrambling for either. The clock on top of my television reads 4:45 in the morning. �Fur Elise� has trapped my mind; its soft and subtle desperation has funneled my focus all evening. A song used for romantic settings/selling opportunities where a man shows how much he loves a woman by spending celestial amounts of money to purchase symbol of her value to him. No value will ever be true for a person with a right mind and sound heart, true love bears no financial implications or limits. Simplicity with more invested emotion seemed more appealing to me but I am 20 in a crowd of 100, where I optimistically pray that there are more people that give more faith to sign of a ring which stands for eternity wrapping ourselves around the other for a combination that no one person or group may destroy. We become one without amy starting or ending point, we are together like a mathematician and PI; we will never end this serene voyage.

There is something to be said about Wagner�s story telling abilities, whereas most credit for this is given to Beethoven, while talenten he was not alone. When I hear �The Ride of the Valkyries� I still imagine Bugs bunny attacking Elmer Fudd and the song�s many other uses in classic cartoons. A true battle hymn used in both glorious moments and satirical films. This piece is often used in documentaries to show impoverished persons of foreign countries that 99% of us will never visit. The �Parsifal Prelude� and its acts are beautifully formed with the creator�s touch and continually push upon the listener the certainty of life�s quick breath. The song�s breath of mortality is impenetrable. We a can seem to be so lost and found within the sentence but never give an ear to either.

In southern California we lost a great radio station due to a lack of funds. Since its downfall I have downloaded so many beautiful tracks from different conductors. This music will never die as rock and roll, hip hop or rap fads take each other�s place this angelic soundtrack will never die.

everything created by: jerkface