[ she pulls squares from circles ] on 07.13.08 @ 1:34 am

I love you and it has been over one year since you moved out here and have held 2 jobs since being together:

  1. the serving gig you landed and was frustrated by of their scheduling system (then you quit 3 weeks in)
  2. i hired you for temp design work that you took 4 times as long to make banners as the other person i work with would previously bill
  3. you complain of how tired you are after working for 2 nights 5-6 hours each night as im pulling M-F 9am to 6pm for my first job and 8pm to 1 or 3am for my second job. since i am pulling 13 hour days for now and you are doing so little while we are separated by hundreds of miles, don't you think that you get stop whining and pay your fucking dues?

we've been together for one year and im tired of being the only person supporting us, get off your fucking ass and get a goddamn job!

// end comments || rant

everything created by: jerkface