[ packed, stacked, and 2 barrels ] on 02.19.17 @ 11:38 pm

Cleaning house can be cathartic and depressing in the same breath.

We pack and move in the hopes of progression but at times seems we just jump ahead hoping shit would be different.

Usually nothing changes at the heart. Same band just a new venue.

Thank you Brenda for reminding me of my favorite song from Jawbreaker called 'Sluttering'.

:: new cite ::
You need a little less than what you take for granted.
This is the sip that's drinking back from you,
Blacking out your eyes.
You need a little more suppression of you appetites.
This is your honeymoon, in separate rooms,
It's neither sweet nor bright.
:: end cite ::

Maybe you'll grow up, hell I might do the same but until then just fuckoff.

everything created by: jerkface