[ one year later ] on 11.24.02 @ 12:34 am

I gave you weeks to come around, and now it's time I live without you. Nothing has changed you have no clue what I'm going through. Lucky for me I have friends who care enough to take time off work and school to spend time with me on my birthday. To get me things I can enjoy for years to come, not read once then cover the lid of the box with all the letters you've written. in there is the build-a-bear without a heart.

emptypromisering: love is dead.
aSadDaniMadness: love never existed
aSadDaniMadness: its a fairy tale our mothers tell us about so that we dont have sex for no reason
emptypromisering: like non-alcoholic holidays, it doesn't exist

" Wandering the K-10 As anniversaries end,
Pondering events that brought us here.
Did that straight and narrow,
Nailed self-righteous arrow
Get to be so decadent?
Could you trade your lessons
To have grown up in the process?
It's not a mistake
If we had known
What we know now
One year later,
we'd still be around.
Got your full attention Over hours of speculation,
Don't you know who knows:?
I know.
Finally make decisions? "

The Get Up Kids - One Year Later

one year later... heartbroken, dismantled, decaying, the inconstant moon and stars have more reliability than the love you falsified.

everything created by: jerkface