[ inebriated beyond recognition ] on 12.10.02 @ 8:21 am

i wokeup today more alone than past days
she slept through my songs
beyond the chorus she missed the massages
that im tired of waking up alone
it can't be just anyone
she needs to be the reason i smile
the cause of my laugh and force behind my words
another night i'll sleep alone
but not the way you can imagine
she's asleep and i'm feeling sick
another night again i feel like puking
why do i try to fall in love?
can't you make it stop
let me fall asleep safe and sound
i can't see through these anymore
needing another way to view these walls
aiding my disease they hold back a ferocious world
i'll take to wishing
and cut the crap

take lots with alcohol.

everything created by: jerkface