[ boxcar, kerouac, friends, colring, writing ] on 12.21.02 @ 5:56 pm

today was quite possibly the greatest, luckily there are more hours left in this day. friends over at 11. no lights out and i get to see the people that make me wish i could stay.

not to mention i got to hangout with harmony and family last ngiht. plus chantelle who i have'nt seen in years, she so sweet. wish my friends all had hearts like hers.

rachel, harmony, chantelle, mark, kathy, kris, tony, jeff, all the albertson's crew, erin, lindsey, jaime, jenny, scott, cary, steve, ryan, this new acoustic hardcore band we created (hahahhaa) yeah it's fun, every teenager of the year, melesssa, jason, corrin, alexxx, eric, matt mina, matt, morgy, stevo, princess lea, dy, tiana, derek, amy, my nacho that skis, john, danielle, my hottie bud Tania, Danielle and Ashlee (inseperable buddies), tim, liz, mary, iam, joel, christine, shara, arie, casper, kris (finch boy), skiso, potzer, theused35, amanda, chrissy, sara, sarah, vanessa, lyle, sara, sabi, sexay lexay, heather, nicole, colin, ashley, stephanie, rhea, tina, cory, kati, anna, olive, kit kat, Cat (not to be confused with kit kat), caroline, pat, lisa, rick, forrest, rebeckah, becca, travis, my mom, dad, jeff, and anyone i forgot. i am not an elepahant, apologies.

have a great night i will miss you all, and i will post my final entry tomorrow.

love to all.

everything created by: jerkface