[ for robyn ] on 01.08.08 @ 3:22 am

The bar room drunks are watching as I play guitar and sing melodies to myself. None of them seems to care as I am not buying them a drink. This song is one that is personal to me, but in all fairness each in personal. A time, a place, a drink, a cigarette or a face. This is all personal to me. No one seems to care. Although I've made my life in part to the idea of being an island, no one cares or notices. This is me. I am geek. I am nerd. I am gay. These are the best insults the jerkoffs around me could come up with. They had to reach for something abstract to try and accomplish their goal. I am Jonathan and will do my damned best to live up to that title. Sometimes while writing I wonder why. Why try to do anything? Why write? Why bring an axe to a public square? Robyn. My friend Shaniqua Latisha Latoya/Robyn/Snow Flake. My friend drives me to write. Whether its considered dribble or drab I learned more from her than anyone about how to be myself. She isn't the cliche "I rebel because I should". Robyn is the writer and person we all want to be. Not because she invincible, she is the character we all should be. Robyn is the honest and inevitable one.

She has taught me over the years to be okay with me. The alcoholic with a penchant for the dangers and joys of life. Thank God I have Robyn in my life. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year and a blessed life. I miss you and never say often enough how glad I am to have you in my life.

everything created by: jerkface