[ silence be my knife ] on 2002-10-20 @ 1:39 a.m.

just a rollover from the past entry.

i am also sick of hearing 'i heart u', 'that is so not emo', 'i really want some weed', and im sick of wanting a drink after we hangup the phone.

im growing tired and weary of such things. just like all those little preppy shits i am a constant victim to their idle chat.

jesus freaks. not ministers. not my father. those people at my safe haven that think i am a masacist or a druid. just because im not always as happy as u r. or full of whatever it is that makes you better than me. i'll find my religion someday soon.

also on the subject of contradictions.
don't now u do. makeup your mind on at least one aspect of your life. my indecisions lie within music, for the most part. not things that could ruin my life, or my love.
'after the last dance
you lose your last chance
after the last chance,
you've lost your last chance'

thanks to ozma for good tunes to lose myself in late in the evening.

everything created by: jerkface