[ reality of dreams ] on 2002-11-21 @ 4:31 a.m.

I think optimism has won me over once more, at least i can still have Missa as a friend. After I spoke out to Jaime about her bashing on my failed education, pointing out a few of her lesser points. I swear I tried to be loving but I can only take so much for what I am told. If she still doesn't want to talk to me, I'll be alright with Missa. She's been there always. When I had been broken, she brought superglue. When I can un-glued, she hit me with truth. I love you as a friend, I'll just hold that special place in my heart for her. AAF

here's humor, ask anyone and I act like him. Actually I love him, he makes me smile. Good old times...

Which annoying B-list celebrity are you?

Well, this has to mean something, i took this test and i was given two answers. bad javascript coding? I'd like to believe I am both of these adorable creatures...

See what Care Bear you are.

See what Care Bear you are.

between dreams and reality lies the truth of what will be.

everything created by: jerkface