[ friends killed jesus ] on 01.30.03 @ 7:18 am

this entry of a wise man, it actually made me laugh.

today in chapel, my math teacher talked about why he doesn't like the show friends.
it's predictable and repetitive, he says, more so than any other show on tv. of course, i agree with this.
his sisters watch this show often and seem to enjoy it very much. he doesn't understand why anyone could find it funny.
how could anyone find amusement in a show that makes light of sinful subject matters like sex, homosexuality, and cross-dressing?
completely empassioned and on the verge of tears he screams, "THIS IS WHY JESUS HAD TO DIE."

that's right.
friends is the reason that jesus had to die.

i hope you heard that, nicole.
you make the baby jesus cry.

i've been finding myself more and more excited about living here, a new found interest is making my days go by with a smile. shae makes me feel like myself and that it's alright to be a geek. She pretty much encourages those habits, layout and such.

can't say enough, plus lou is rockin' more than ever. go barista go!
