[ two dov es fly south, which one ends up in canada? ] on 01.30.03 @ 11:12 pm

the anniversary party is incredibly depressing. apple juice spills quite easily and if you use your backup shirt (the other was used to clean up something else) soon will you be shirtless how does one actually spell 'wazoo'? is that even close? punk and emo porn IS a trend and to all you bear fuckers out there, it is huge! check here for more info on Jan 31 issue harry f**ckin potter remains awesome after months of watching and reading nakedness is bliss alain de botton is indeed a MAN, not a woman but still remains a wonderful author. on love, the art of travel, kiss and tell, and proust all good titles worth reading and i ate about the largest plate of nachos EVER at red robin to myself, sweet jesus my stomach is spitting up my esophagus bile. disturbing. besides those minor facts, i found someone who dare i say.... "she likes me for me!" this makes me incredibly happy to be so lucky and i just realized i need to renew my library books online. ::kicks self:: have a good day or night as the sky may lead you to believe...

everything created by: jerkface