[ Modern Slavery ] on 04.06.03 @ 8:39 am

When will the people of this multinational corporate conglomerate nation begin to realize what's been going on. We allow fear to paralize our actions, infest our minds and defect our lives. What are these added security features supposed to do?
Doors to our homes with 2 locks or more; seems they imprison us more than they keep us safe from our "scary" neighbors. Our government takes so called preventive measures, doing anything in their power to help themselves our even if it means war. Even if it means that friends of mine will not return home from this "war on terrorism". What kind of contradictory term is that, a war on terrorism. Friends of yours and mine are not blood thirsty warriors, they are unable to pay for a college education and depend on Uncle Scam to give them support to get through school.
We're not really as different as we'd like to believe from the individuals who flew planes into the World Trade Center in New York. I state this in the sense that they were serving their country willing to die for their government. Upon entering the US military, the soldier takes a Pledge of Allegiance to their newfound savior. Everything sounds as if they have done so much to protect from the evils of this cruel world. But have you ever taken the time to look at what demons live in our backyard?
Irreprehensible men resting comfrotably in inconceivable seats of power where we become a game of chess. Advance one piece leave behind the next ready to fight and die. In this verbalization I am not speaking just in my obvious state of anti-war sediment, but moreso against the many actions and words of the national media, corporations and the grimey politicians. Their polymeric sovereignty over the American people has been such a gradual increase from the days of our nation's beginnings to the day you are reading this. Much of what this subject is summed up in a few quotes from a few notable persons of action against what I prefer to call "Modern Slavery". Examples are shown in the memorable quotes that follow:

"If those in charge of our society - politicians, corporate executives, and owners of press and television - can dominate our ideas, they will be secure in their power. They will not need soldiers patrolling the streets. We will control ourselves." - Howard Zinn

"Jesus was a terrorist
Enemy of the state
That's what the Romans labeled him
So he was put to death
He died for his beliefs
What's changed today?" - Jello Biafra

"The media, the corporations, the politicians...have all done such a good job of scaring the American public, it's come to the point where they don't need to give any reason at all." - Michael Moore

ANSWERing Bush's Myths

From elementary to middle school and then to high school we head off to college. After graduation and a slip of paper that says I was told what to do and how do it, we move on to a 9 to 5 job till the day we die.
This is the American Dream. This is the bullshit reasoning behind the ominous thought that some of my friends will not be returning home.

lets "Save The World"

pull me by the arm tell me what to believe you tell me there is only one way
one way to see whatever faith you choose may not be for me how can i be saved while being forced to believe? lets save the world one by one well make them believe conform if they must dont question the thought its whats always been told we'll make them believe lets save the world so spread the word
and tell me of good news that if i act right i can be like you well to live is to learn
and think for yourself and ill do just that i dont need your help

Just don't forget that the worlds most powerful nation was brought down by a group of believers with box cutters, whose leader WE trained.

everything created by: jerkface