[ kids o' capital hill ] on 04.07.05 @ 4:14 am

we're all sedated staring down the barrel
of some snaggletoothed rat on capitol hill
as the kids are out tracking notches down their belts
looking for the valour in some kitchen o' hell
the devil's spry to your life story scene after scene
you signed the slip he'll assign you a cell
present of presence slothish just to see the present

we're all segregated in our own hell
it all started once we stepped off the boat
all bags in tow no one knows where we'd land
the ground shook as the mountains rose
cascading across the sky the snow capped lines
one by one one well fell face first in the snow
uphill outside a one by two mountain climb
one by three god surely left us to die

in the puddle god spits the devil boils
where we plan he succeeds to foil
hopes n dreams n pleasure he feeds from
voices incinuating a left step a right hop
but who the hell knows which god is ever on top
the devil spoke 'I am the one and only'
god said 'kill your only son abraham'
killers make love and lovers make killers

so we're neither wrong nor right
just caught up in that plan of attempted flight
o'er the lands of sour grapes and sterile fields
yet one day you'll find yourself feelin' trite
but god only knows what the devil percieves
and hell who knows it's all been but a dream

everything created by: jerkface