[ that i would be good ] on 2002-10-17 @ 7:56 p.m.

as i sat here writing a few little riffs, i realized today was thursday. the last day for me to try to get money for winter formal. things just didn't go my way, kelly wouldn't get up and so I couldn't get to where i needed to be.

once again it's a 'woulda / coulda / shoulda' day. now at least it's night, and i have only a few more hours to make mistakes till' it's a new day. just wait for the sun to begin it's ascent. then everything will be better.

have class now monday - wednesday from 6-9pm and I am getting ready to finish what I started. get my pieces of paper, get out and prove myself wrong and finally do what i want. that'd be nice for a change.

everything created by: jerkface