[ a dear letter from a friend afar means the world to the broken hearted ] on 11.23.02 @ 1:01 am

well this was incredibly sweet so i must share with the heartless ones. so fucking beautiful.

email from enigma...


1) His middle name is cameron, which i associate with Ferris Bueller's Day Off <3, which earns him bonus points right there.
2) He plays guitar. 'Nuff said.
3) He's a rock-my-ass writter, and is author to much radical stuff.
4) He likes the ataris. Need i say more?
5) Despite his confussion, frusteration, and even sorrow, there is always a certain hue of optimism that prevails. And it's quite inspiring.
6) He sings saves the day songs with me! ::Quazzle!::
7) He knows the Darwin theory. (Which is more than i can say about the rest of my peeps)
8) He floods my head with new metaphors and fresh ideas, kudos to that!
9) Cali Boi Dream Date Board Game......thats all i have to say about that. ^_~
10) "Music, love and writting"...the roxy coolness about him.

Happy Birthday, kiddo. Hope it's a tubularly fantabulous one! ^_^


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