[ gone away ] on 03.12.03 @ 12:16 am

As this being my last entry from Seattle for sometime I would like to thank all the people that made this possible, like thanking sponsors but these people have more heart.

X in no specific order X

Shae and Lou - they really helped me learn a few necessary lessons, so despite the terms we speak on now, these two really did more for me than might ever know.
Becky and Michael - Becky did a lot to make me feel welcome and help me out on my travel. Including picking up me when I became stranded in Fife. She is an incredible girl and her boy Jason (Pea) is very lucky to have found her, she's got a heart of gold in a world of pewter souls. Michael kept me up on how the girls (Shae and Lou) were doing as they do not return calls. Not to mention he was someone to talk with and bitch about life. He was supposed to be my roommate but as a service to my friend Lou, I decided it best for me not to do so. Now they are back together, ain't that a bitch? I'm glad for that one though, Lou needs someone like Michael.
Krysta and Erin - My drunken friends. I will miss your kind words Bill's Off Broadway and our good times of sharing everything as a commune, not roommates. Hope you kids take care of yourselves.

I am leaving behind a part of me with all the people I have met, for some that's good for some it's bad. Either way I will be back here soon enough and hopefully the sun will keep you warm until I return.

Including all above persons (but not limited to):
Ashley, Tessa, Solomon, Cristin, Brian, Kittie, Cheryl, Josh, Sean, Bo, and everyone I met on city buses and streets.

everything created by: jerkface