[ goodnight and fuck ] on 05.28.06 @ 11:09 pm

Claire might be leaving the office I've kept after she received another job offer. I stayed because she is there, now I don't know. She said I should go where I can make money. This is the first time in months that I hit a hard spot financially and I am now feeling more fucked. More like fleeing. More like walking away from everything I spent a year building up professionally.

Claire came in and made me feel normal again, now I feel like a pity fuck. Shit man. On top of that I keep missing Rachel which isn't helping the situation, knowing that she is a $100 one-way bus ticket away pisses me off. It might be time to leave but I'll sleep on it and decide Tuesday night. If everything stays on this path I'll be where I was 4 years ago.

I'm feeling fucked from every side so screw this, I'm kissing the bottle. Night.

everything created by: jerkface